A lot is said about chimpansee Bubbles , former favourite pet of Michael Jackson. But the latest claim is that MJ left Bubbles, who is now 26 , 2 million dollars. This clearly shows how much Michael loves bubbles. MJ adopted the chimp in 1985 and saved the chimp from experiments in a cancer clinic in texas.
Bubbles escorted Michael everywhere, on the bad tour , at the bad rehearsals, recording ; Bubbles stayed with Michael in Japan in an 2 bedroomed suite. First Bubbles stayed at the Encino home, then in 1988 he moved with MJ to neverland, where Bubbles had a crib in MJ’s bedroom ; rumour has it that he even used Michael’s private toilet.
Unfortunately Bubbles became very agressive in the later years and MJ couldn’t handle him anymore, when Prince I was born MJ made the difficult decision to let Bubbles move to another place. So Bubbles moved to a animal sanctuary , now Bubbles lives in a center for great apes in florida. Here he lives alongside other chimps.
Elizabeth Taylor’s eight wedding was held at Neverland and it has been reported that Bubbles was the ring bearer.
Of course MJ wouldnt be MJ and so he often visited Bubbles with his kids.
Bubbles loves to paint and listens to flute music nowadays, isn’t it strange he loves music so much , no , after all he grow up with MJ at his side. Bubbles also loves to sit in trees , so did MJ, and he does this with his best friend Sam, also a chimp.
The last time MJ visited bubbles the chimp recognized Mike and Bubbles missed Michael from the day he had to split from him. Chimpansees are very intelligent , says the pet trainer of Bubbles. Bubbles knows that MJ had passed away. The pet trainer said, that MJ felt like Bubbles was his first child and he hopes that his 3 kids will visit their “stephbrother”.
Our love goes to Bubbles.
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I think it’s gorgeous that Michael did provide for Bubbles in his will.
I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
And you et an account on Twitter?
Unfortunately, that rumor is not true. The family doesn’t give any support for Bubble’s care, and the estate has abandoned him as well. I write about Bubbles, today:http://chimptrainersdaughter.blogspot.com/2012/03/michael-jacksons-pet-chimpanzee-with-no.html
i thick that bubble is haveing a hard time geting over michael passing because mike did not come and see him a lot of things had been said about bubble like he jump out of a wend door and that child molest bubble and if michael did not care for bubble’s he whoud not have left bubble’s 2 million dollar’s . bubble is rich and you are not today.
and another thing bubble did not do a thing to any one they want a story to tel and anther thing michael did not do thing they calling mike a child molester they all want money pepole will do any thing for money