Fans around the world spared no time to buy tickets for the movie THIS IS IT.
Some of Michael´s fans stood in line for hours. The world did not experience such a hype on ticketsales since the movies Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.
The run for the tickets shows the resemblance of the run for tickets of the THIS IS IT concert in the O2 stadium where Michael would have made his comeback.
Luckilly the rehearsals are captured on tape and fans actually can see Michael´s latest work over and over again…
This concert would have been Michael´s masterpiece , he put all the effort and perfection into it. He wanted the world to see something they never saw before, to experience something they never did before …He created magic in a way he himself didn´t do before …
Well, we will experience Michael Jackson´s art in October and we can´t wait!
Michael Jackson was like a family member to me. I’ve been dealing with his passing along and it has been very emotional for me. I can’t believe how he moved the world around the world. I wish his family the best. Thanks Michael for changing life as we know it!
Michael Jackson was like a icon to me. I’ve been coping with his dying and it has been very emotional for me. I cannot believe how he moved the industries around the world. I wish his family the best. Thank you Michael for the most amazing life!